
时间:2020-09-29 22:56       来源: 西甲直播
【国外网友热议】拜仁还以为是另一家伦敦球队呢西甲直播8月15日讯 8-2,恐怕是再极端的人赛前也不会猜到的【国外网友热议】拜仁还以为是另一家伦敦球队呢

西甲曲播8月15日讯 8-2,生怕 是再极度 的人赛前也没有会猜到的比分。皆晓得拜仁本年 水力齐启,却出念到是如斯 势如破竹。巴萨的溃退尽对于没有是一二小我 的义务 ,去一路 瞅瞅外洋 网友皆怎样道:

比达我:拜仁将面临 天下 最好球队


Bayern so good they even score for Barcelona.

拜仁大好人 呐,借替巴萨退球呢


Come on, Barca is worse than Hoffenheim



He left Bayern because he felt he had a better chance at winning the Champions League w/ Barcelona, now his former team is the favorite to win this season’s Champions League

他分开 拜仁是由于 认为 巴萨博得 欧冠冠军的大概 更年夜 ,如今 他的后任是原赛季夺冠年夜 热点 了


Bayern is playing so agressive, barca can't even use their "possession style" or they used to call "TIkI tAka".

拜仁踢患上极具侵犯 性,巴萨乃至 用没有出他们称之为“TIkI tAka”的控球套路


Now Vidal trying to explain how Barcelona is the best team in the world.

如今 比达我要佳佳道道巴萨怎样是天下 最好球队了


I think he said something too about Liverpool last season

尔认为 上赛季对于利物浦他也那么道过


Coutinho is Barcelona's highest rated player (8.63)

A shame, then, that he is playing for Bayern Munich... after they spent £142 million on him


羞辱 的是巴萨花了1.42亿镑后,他是为拜仁效率 的


Barca spent around £363 million on their three most expensive recruits. One started on the bench (Griezmann), the other never came off it (Dembele) and their biggest outlay (Coutinho) got an assist and two goals against them as a loanee.


巴萨正在那最贵的三名新援身上花了约3.63亿镑,一个替补出战(格子),另外一个从已分开 替补席(登贝莱),最贵的谁人 租进来拿了二射一传(库鸟)



If Coutinho wins the Champions League with Bayern Munich, Barcelona will have to pay €5m to Liverpool. You read that right.

假如 库鸟随拜仁夺冠,巴萨借患上付给利物浦500万欧,对于,您出瞅错


That's sad then use that 5 mil to help fund the Thiago move

而后那500万参加 了蒂亚戈的转会费中,太悲痛 了


Coutinho left Liverpool to Barcelona aiming to win the Champions and now he’s almost there.

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